Lately we have been swarmed with lots of emails, calls and sms. And we found three issues : 

  1. Lets say, someone has booked a connection online and asked for today’s date, then it almost gets impossible to install them on that day or the next day, as we normally have a long waiting period due to lot of online bookings.
  2. Some customers only get free on a sunday and they call us for their installation, which we simply deny, as we dont work on sundays.
  3. Some customers call us and ask for the installation before 10am or after 7pm, but our office hours are normally 11am till 7pm only, so its not possible for us to install someone before 10am or after 7pm.


But to solve those above 3 problems, we have finally come up with our priority service, and its named,

“JetSpot Premium Install Service”


What does “JetSpot Premium Install Service” mean?

  1. CASE 1 : If a customer needs priority installation on the same day, while we already have a long waiting list, we still would approve your case and send one team for your installation.
  2. CASE 2 : If a customer needs his installation done on a sunday, we would approve your case and send one team for your installation.
  3. CASE 3 : If a customer needs his installation done before 10am in the morning or post 7pm , we would approve your case and send one team for your installation.


How much does it cost “JetSpot Premium Install Service”?

It costs ₹600.

You may save your money, if you agree for a weekday installation during our working hours though.


Do I need to pay premium for “JetSpot Premium Install Service” if the team reaches late?

Lets say, we have called you for your installation time slot during a weekday, but the team reaches you post 7pm, then you dont need to pay premium. The premium is only charged, when you have specially requested for a post 7pm installation or sunday or a weekday priority installation.

Looking for New Connection?

Call us today at 8690-330-330

We will respond as soon as possible